The Bell City Rifle Club is currently full:

New memberships will be by invitation only by a current member sponsor in good standing.

How to get a sponsor?

  1. Become an active participant in one of our clubs’ leagues i.e. Benchrest, Pistol, Small bore or High Power.
  2. Strike up a relationship with one or more fellow competitors.
  3. After a period of committed participation (year or more) you may feel comfortable enough to ask for his/her sponsorship.

For more information on scheduled league dates and event descriptions click on our website calendar link.

Dues & fees for 2025
Member Class Dues Spec Assmt CT Dues tax Total
Annual  $         130.00  $           50.00  $           18.00  $         198.00
Associate  $                 -  $                 -  $                 -  $                 -
Honorary  $                 -  $                 -  $                 -  $                 -
Life  $                 -  $           50.00  $             5.00  $           55.00
Officer  $                 -  $           50.00  $             5.00  $           55.00
Senior members  $           65.00  $           50.00  $           11.50  $         126.50
New Members
Application fee (effective 12/1/17)  $           75.00
Check, payable to DESPP-SPBI (for background check)
 1/1 - 6/30 After 6/30
Initiation fee  $         160.00  $         160.00
Dues  $         130.00  $           65.00
Special assessment  $         100.00  $         100.00
CT Dues tax  $           39.00  $           32.50
Check, payable to Bell City Rifle Club Total  $         429.00  $         357.50